Sunday, March 31, 2013

my super random countdown trip

well, talking about this. it's a super overdue post!

road trip on the go to end 2012 and start 2013 !
thanks god for all the fun and laughters we had! More to come! the super random trip off to melbourne just for countdown together with Juliana and Jacky. Thanks to Jacky that drove all the way to Melbourne (8hours) and back to Adelaide (12hours) all by himself. simply because he owned a Manual car. CANT HELP U :P

p/s: the reason why it's 12 hours as we used great ocean road to travel back to Adelaide, another random idea! since i missed the one that my legal peeps had in nov.

Day 1 - 30th dec 2012

Camwhoring is one of the must during road trip
GALS defs see eye to eye to me :)

p.s: jacky was trying to act like he's driving super carefully!!

finally after an 8 hour drive, we reached MELBOURNE! SMELL the fresh cold air in melbourne! simply make us excited just because we're hungry and the korean restaurant was still open at 12am! YAY!!
FEAST TIME after a whole day in the car. 

YAY to 2013. another random stuff. use Great Ocean Road to travel back to Adelaide instead of
Juliana on the left and jacky on the right 

the 12 apostles.
(Limestone) one of the scenic view along great ocean road 
12 Apostles.
How amazing this is! captured by my iphone5

travelling can be fun if u go with the right people ! YAY!

Flinders station Melbourne

one of the must try- LORD OF FRIES in melbourne
what's so special was the sauces variety.

managed to get someone to help taking group pic without the help of tripod!
Christmas decor for 2012 
The start of Great Ocean Road

London Bridge's falling down.
the middle part was missing due to erosion. 

not forgetting to take polaroid with the signature post of Jacky.

captured this in a random public toilet along the way to melb.
but it's so TRUE

thanks to Wallace for the free accommodation for our random presence in melb

his smile is so cute here

with our dearly princess Juliana

Blue Lake in Mount Gambier!
(on the way back to Adelaide)
once in a blue moon.
it only turns blue during summer! 

a good start to begin my 2013! thanks god for the fulfilling trip! short but fun time with my dearest friends!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

1st quarter of 2013

旅行的意義 。
雙子座的我向來嚮往自由自在的生活,心想說旅行或許是獎勵自己最好的方式吧。 對我來說, 旅行不單只是在於增廣見聞,與家人友人共同創造美好的回憶,最終還是要記得感受下當地的文化。由於我的家在東馬, 每次從南澳飛回家,都必須停留在吉隆坡轉機呢。雖然會有些許的累,但是習慣了。 因為我知道,再累都有可愛的家人朋友在等著我的歸來。 這就是為什麼我可以不停地飛。 謝謝身邊的你們, 讓我的生活一直都充滿著希望與愛。 感謝上帝讓我遇見你們。 

馬來西亞必喝的奶茶 - TEH TARIK

JANUARY 倒數 2012之旅

今年的一月一日, 竟然在墨爾本度過。 感謝友人因為我的一句話, 我們的倒數就便得不同啦。 來回十多個小時得車程,讓我一睹墨爾本沿海的美景 還能趕得及回去阿村看看夏天的MOUNT GAMBIER 的 BLUE LAKE。

juliana, me and jacky.
十多個小時的車程全部有他包辦 還是開手檔的小紅呢。

在Brisbane 與我的寶貝慧敏 還有美金一起回家啦。 

回到熟悉的城市,還趕的幾幫chloe 寶貝慶祝22歲的生日。
taylors steamboat queens <3 nbsp="" one="" station="" td="">

這次的地點太特別啦。 感謝我的綠茶弟弟讓出他心愛的房間,

這次在kl 逗留的時間太短了,只能去到mid valley 跟姐妹們好好地出外一天。 我們決定去吃日本餐啦。 sushi zanmai. 每次去那裡都必須要排隊,不管是哪個商場的, 這也太離譜了啦。 在等待的當兒我們絕對不放過自拍的好機會。這時竟然有人從身後抱我, 哈! 嚇到我了啦。 原來是你!!!! 難怪我就有預感會碰見熟人啦。
在飛台灣之前,竟然在mid valley巧遇我的eunice babe. 

告別吉隆坡,我們起飛去台灣啦,好興奮喔!! 這次出遊五人行, 我,綠茶,慧敏還有族斌和他的愛人秀碧。
台灣原著民 - 阿美族 
我們是大大的電燈泡 。 
十天的台灣之旅,我們去了台中,花蓮,清靜,宜蘭,台北 還有一些距離台北不遠的九份十分。很多照片想與大家分享,但是還沒有時間好好整理一下。 請原諒我,實在太忙了。想好好爭取與家人朋友在一起的時光阿! 

去完了台灣,我終於回家了!!!!看見媽媽等待我回去,心疼了她。我這貪玩的女兒到處飛了,才甘願回家去! 在家的日子,好像公主一樣, 簡直是要風得風,要雨得雨阿! 感謝哥哥的精心策劃,今年的華人新年,我又不在家啦。這一年,我們一家人一起去了泰國的普吉島還有曼谷阿! 看媽媽多麼笑的開心阿! 

不知不覺, 我回去的時候已經是初九啦,每天晚上都不斷地跟朋友出去,因為兩天後,大家都飛回自己的大學求學啦! 好多的節目也只是那幾天阿。


歡樂的時間總快過喔! 又到了三月份阿,我的大三開始啦! 2013年加油阿!為了讓我們的妹妹juliana與我們有段美好的旅途回憶,我們在十二月時就策劃去tasmania 這個人稱:澳洲版的紐西蘭開始我們的7天之旅啦。 這次還有我們的新朋友 maggie 加入我們,我們四個女生一同去explore tasmania. 租了車,從北玩到南去啦! 感謝主保守我們平安地歸來啦。 即將上傳更多的美景照!
4 人行 



人生短短幾十年,能走就走,能飛就飛。想做什麼,現在就做! 千萬不要後悔莫及,要好好愛自己。 女生阿,在未來還沒綁住你時,盡量去看看世間美好的事物吧!

p/s: 我要乖乖地回到我的大學生涯啦,back to reality! ASSIGNMENT!
倒數4 天,我的寶貝慧敏來拜訪我啦,我要趕緊地完成我的作業去啦。 

Friday, March 29, 2013

a sudden news

it's good Friday! yay. i was pretty excited as we had Ps. Reinhard Bonnke who is the world class famous evangelist coming to my church in Adelaide, Influencers Church.  never know that this gonna happen. got a sudden news that one of our friends from church got involved in a head-on collision on her way to melbourne. IT REALLY HURTS (though im not really very close with her) but i know that she's such a kind and gentle gal. i always randomly bumped into her in the city or uni. i havent even sit down to catch up with her. i wonder why she left us so suddenly, but everything happen for a reason. God, i know that she'll be with you in the heaven now.

it really reminds me how i always should appreciate each of you that walk into my life. no matter it's the past, now or future. Just a sincere THANK YOU

                                  lesson of the day: Love and Express it before it's too late.

i miss having my family around.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Little update

Latest update.

So much to write about my journey of 2013.

Basically. It started with a very good trip.
Went to Brisbane, Taiwan and Thailand with the precious lovelies.

March - back to the reality!
Tasmania trip before going uni!

And yes! Thanks god for providing me jobs! Heaps to update! If u wanna grow, u gotta face challenges! And yes! I'm ready for everything! Please use me and make me a better me!!

Countdown a week to meet my babe! Of cox there's a price to pay for fun stuff! Gotta work hard for the assignment and work more hours to increase my income!

Happy Easter in advance !