Saturday, January 30, 2010

i am impressed of myself that
i can go shopping for few weekends
busy and crazy hunting for
my family members' new year clothes
thanks for my friends who are following me to do that!
special thanks to Sze Ching, Eunice and Danny!

i am so sad that i suppose to meet my 4sis, friend, shirley in ts,
my cousins~
and sorry for that i couldn't make it.
All of u make the date with me which is
falling on the same day!!

well, everyone please enjoy the short term holidays during cny
countdown 14days going back~

Sunday, January 24, 2010

girls' natural hobby

Recently i find myself being exhausted for shopping this few weekends
from times square, sg wang, sunway pyramid~ always this few places
whenever i go shopping, there are chinese new year songs in every single shopping mall
and the people in the mall are as many as the ants! makes me so uncomfortable- hate shopping with crowded people,
even sunway pyramid were full of people!!!

however, i enjoy buying clothes it's natural hobby of girls~
i enjoy shopping though it's not shopping for me myself.
i shop for my lovely family members and myself
shopping is seem to be a therapy! Of course u need to prepare enough money for the expenses!

on this coming weekend
and will have gathering with my dear friends!
thank you vincent for helping me to bring some of my things back!!
thank you in advance!

ANOTHER 20days i can meet my family members, my foster family member, friends and my relatives!
i can try my mum,godmum and his cooking and baking!
****choco peppermint, coffee, capuccino and cheese cake
(steamed, baked, frozen cheese)****

Thank you God for giving me so nice people in my life!

p/s: countdown 20days back to SIBU!

Friday, January 22, 2010

MY NAME, my look


can someone plx tell me..
what do u think of this name..
whenever u see it?


will u think that it's easy to call?


if u ask me,
i will tell u that i dont knw why my lecturers
like to call my name,


i feel nervous when they call me
even though i can answer their questions!


another one is


Recently, i have this English name
given by someone.
thanks those people who feel that i am suitable,
i just wonder why would they think so??
they say that i look like "SAMANTHA" of Sex in the City?


thanks xandra and chloe for calling me "kam mui"'s in cantonese!!
lately, my name becomes my friends' topic!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

define S-I-M-P-L-E

can it be as simple as this cup of cereal ??

did i think too much sometime?
i always request for more?am i wrong?!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

BUSY begins

when i came back to casa subang, i felt sad and started to miss my dear mummy, my dear, and my godmother! i really reluctant to go back~
i did the cleaning of my room and my luggage! it used up my 4hourS! OMG-POOR ME...
i miss him badly
luckily i still webcam with him at night, and played viwawa- big 2.5 for whole night!

my college SAM life is starting to be busy~
let's spell B-U-S-Y
luckily i still feel okay with my changing of lecturers. All of them are very efficient as they gave us homework on the first day. The only thing that i dislike is the timetable, why must i end my class at 4 pm for few days!!!!

i must be serious in my study
my target to enter group of eight of aussie university which exclude sydney and melbourne uni...
which uni should i go?!
God please allocate me to somewhere i suit!
aiming higher- TER 97 OR 98 ~
Help me to get rid of my laziness
less shopping
less wasting money - at the same time i can keep fit!
say gambateh to me!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


这个post是要写给陪伴我度过这个2009年的亲朋好友们, 如果你是其中的一份子,无论是你占有的只是那么的0.01% .我很感谢你们!

一月 - 三月
我的天兵(教会短宣)..成功拉到得凯陪我一起去! 谢谢你!
还有就是能够参加到MISSION TRIP ,几乎把整个SARAWAK游遍了.

4月- 6月
终于充实的生活又静了下来,而我是一个一刻都不能静下来的女生 (或许有遗传吧?)
PC FAIR 的打工, AP 大会, JPA 奖学金也顺利得到了!
健康检查, 每天晚上出去混混,跟那一帮朋友
什么事都做尽, 这种快乐时光就这样溜走了, 上帝在提醒我们这些只会蹉跎岁月的少年!

从三月到七月, 我的朋友们都陆陆续续越洋飞到西马, 那个繁忙的城市, 虽然还有一部分的留在东马.而我偏偏就是那最后一个?或许是要让我多多陪他她!!
七月还真的是很精彩, 我很开心我的HOUSEMATES都很好, 仿佛我来到这个城是有所安排的?
教会朋友也很照顾我, 还有家人都很常付出他们的关心,多怕我生活的不好.

偶尔比较多金的时候就会让自己享受下, 大银幕, 高档食物, 血拼~~
RAYA 假期终于来临了, 这是我第一次回家, 感觉很不一样, 一直以来自以为很独立的我回到家乡时,一下机就看到他感觉很开心! 我高兴到有想哭的感觉- 还有看到家人的感觉很温暖, 还有我干妈的厨艺, 还有见到朋友们, 仿佛一日不见, 如三秋兮.
DEEPAVALI 的假期终于于我的姐妹花还有那些可爱的帅男们一起到GENTING疯狂~拍了无数的照片, 当然又是少了NANA! melaka 之旅,让我爱上这个历史悠久的古城!

11-12 月
准备考试咯, 好享受那种大家都为考取佳绩不惜睡眠时间.FACEBOOK 时间!
因为我们都知道, 好戏在后头!

我的一班COLLEGE 朋友在18年以来终于踩进犀鸟之乡,
还有的竟然把CHINA GREAT WALL 翻译成中国大墙!

虽然称不上有什么特别不一样的故事, 但我觉得我的故事就是我的故事
things will never stop, but it will continue to grow!
我会继续成长, 直到蜕变到我想要的!

生活再苦再累, 日子还是要过,
趁自己还能健步如飞, 努力去闯一闯?